Monday 7 January 2019

Game Journalist Play 1

1. What specifically did you do?
   Basically, I was trying to get supplies as much as I can and I was looking for a safe place like an island or a ship I guess than can make sure I wouldn't be eaten by the shark. 

2. What did you learn about about how to play the game?
    It's hard for me to get supplies and build as many things as I want so I guess getting supplies will be the first goal of the game. Also I guess finding a safe shelter like an island will be the second goal.

3. What strategies are you going to try to focus on tomorrow?
    I will still keep looking for supplies and I think I need to build a weapon to kill the shark because it's hard to finding supplies and avoiding the shark at the same time. I have died many times because I can't avoid the chasing of the shark.

4. Add a picture of your raft that includes a caption

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Exit Interview - January 2019

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