Monday 10 September 2018

Friday Post September 7

1) What do you already know?
     Information technology has already became a huge part of people's life. I know how to use keyboard to type on my laptop and do some basic project like PPT. I already know how to socialize with my phone, I use instagram, snapchat a lot almost everyday. I don't usually watch TV, but I have to say that I watch Netflix a lot.

2) What do you want to learn?
     I want to learn how to use "Ae" "An" to do complicated project and practice my typing speed. I started to use keyboard to type on computer two years ago, I usually use my phone instead of using laptop.  

3) How will computers fit into your future.
    I think I will use computer a lot if I am in the university, because I need to use computer to hand in essay and project on time in university. People usually use computers to make more efficient and it will save lots of time to do something else. I believe that I will use computers a lot in the future.

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Exit Interview - January 2019

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